God is the Source of Allby Kerry Blecha, RScP God is the Source of All. It is God in the earth that brings forth the miracle of life, God in the rain that promotes growth, God is in the air that sustains all life. And, it is God in the sun’s light that provides warmth and energy. Earth, water, air and sunlight are all expressions of God’s love. I see these manifestations of God in …
God’s Way is my Way
God’s Way is my WayChaplain Tilia Giron, RScP I am the perfect expression of God‘s love. I know this as I follow where I am guided. And what I find is that when I choose God’s way, flow opens up for me — Automatically and Effortlessly, even though I wanted to go the other way. I still feel the pull within toward the opposite direction. The way opens up wide and bright and perfect for …
Safe in the Heart of God
Safe in the Heart of Godby Nancy Bowers, RScP “We have all invested a lot of time and energy into trying to collect enough knowledge so that we will feel safe. We want such a solid knowing that no matter what life throws at us we will feel like we know what to do. That is the kind of knowing that I’m suggesting is often useless because life is always throwing something at you that …
God’s Way is my Way
God’s Way is my WayChaplain Tilia Giron, RscP I am the perfect expression of God‘s love. I know this as I follow where I am guided. And what I find is that when I choose God’s way, flow opens up for me — Automatically and Effortlessly, even though I wanted to go the other way. I still feel the pull within toward the opposite direction. The way opens up wide and bright and perfect for …
God is the Source of All
God is the Source of Allby Kerry Blecha, RScP God is the Source of All. It is God in the earth that brings forth the miracle of life, God in the rain that promotes growth, God is in the air that sustains all life. And, it is God in the sun’s light that provides warmth and energy. Earth, water, air and sunlight are all expressions of God’s love. I see these manifestations of God in …
God is the Source of All
What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, May 25th, 2014 9 AM and 11 AM Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister “TBA” ——————— Susan Clark, Music Director Susan Clark is joined by Lewis Winn on guitar/bass guitar and Jay Blea on drums/percussion The Daily Meditation 5.26.2014 “God is the Source of All” Kerry Blecha God is the Source of All. It is …
Spirit is In, Through and Around Everything
[videojs class=”aligncenter” width=”640″ height=”400″ mp4=”http://riograndecenterforspiritualliving.org/video/2014/video02232014.mp4″] What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, March 2nd, 2014 9 AM and 11 AM Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Dynamic Belief Belief is that moment where thought meets creativity. I believe and then my belief becomes my life and the meaning in and of my life. “I believe” is a powerful statement because it creates …
I am the Beneficial Presence of God’s Love in my Life
What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 9 AM and 11 AM Rev Martha Quintana, Senior Minister The Secret Spiritual Power The holy of Holies and sacred of Sacreds lives in each of us. It is a power for good and we can use it, too. Each of us knows how to use it, too. The secret is …