Peace and Harmony

Peace and Harmonyby Marylyn Kirk, RScP In this moment, I release all that has gone before this time and this place.  I turn my attention to the One Power, the One Divine Mind which I call God or Spirit.  I recognize that God is the essence of all and the very ground of all being. God is the TRUTH of life.  I know in my being and fully recognize myself as Divine substance, a perfect …


Harmonyby Marylyn Kirk, RScP Know with me that today is the perfect expression of Divine Order.  In every moment of now I know that I am surrounded by the love of Spirit.  God is everywhere present, even amid those situations and events that have the appearance of messiness.  I know that when I recognize the grace, harmony and goodness of all life that I align myself and my energy with the grace, harmony and goodness …

Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP

A Prayer for Harmony, Love, and Peace of Mind

A Prayer for Harmony, Love, and Peace of Mindby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP As I take in a deep breath into the center of my being, I hold my breath and feel Presence all around.  In that moment, I get to know that God is Goodness. God is that Consciousness of Love and Harmony that I seek to embrace. As I hold that breath, I sit in complete Harmony with the magnificence of that moment.  I …

Harmony with the Soul

Harmony with the Soulby Chris Duvall, RScP “Self-discipline is doing what is in harmony with the soul.” – Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brien New Year’s resolutions often require self-discipline to exchange less healthy habits for healthier ones, sometimes with restrictive energy.  O’Brien opens a different way. She says self-discipline is liberating when it is in harmony with the soul, does what one’s essence wants, or makes a conscious choice to enable purer self-expression and higher inspiration …

Rejoice in the New Year

Rejoice in the New Yearby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP This is the time to Rejoice. Rejoice for God is. God is in me and in you and in every living thing. And at this time of the year, especially as the old departs and the new is about to enter, we are given beautiful tools of Spirit to help guide us alone the way and enlighten our path. Rejoice. For with the winter solstice, the …