Wholeness Revealedby Alicia HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Healing is not creating perfection — there is a perfect part of us that is whole — so, we don’t heal anything, we reveal that which is already whole. —Ernest Holmes Know with me that there is a power and a presence inherent within each and every one of us. As I connect with this Infinite Presence, I know that Wholeness is at the center and the circumference …
A Prayer for Our Nation
A Prayer for Our Nationby Chris Duvall, RScP This is a prayer for our nation and each soul therein … God is the Eternally Evolving Unified Field of Being, which is built from and for Relationship. Within love-connected relationship is the Unlimited Possibility for the experience of All Good. The Great I AM is the Ground Source and Resource of each individual, collective, the Unity that Life is. Source is ready, able, and willing to …
A Treatment for Those in Treatment during the Holidays
A Treatment for Those in Treatment during the Holidaysby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries There is only One Love, One Heart, One Mind that is God expressing in infinite ways. God is each person, each place, each thing, each time, each relationship, and on and on. Truly God is all there is. And so I am an expression of God in the here and now. So too is each member of my family, …
For Health
For Healthby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP There is a power for Good in the Universe despite any appearance to the contrary. That power is known as Spirit, God, Love, Higher Power. Whatever we name that Power, it is the motivating force of life in the Universe. It is also the force of life in each one of us. I experience it as a spark of life, as love, as a deep feeling of serenity, as knowing …
What is Healing? Healing is Wholeness!
What is Healing? Healing is Wholeness!by Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP Your ability to Heal comes from your Wholeness. Wholeness is about your “Unity” with Your Personal God in a healthy and almost sacred or divine relationship and with all that matters to you. In that Unity, your strength of Faith will increase, and your ability to heal and to benefit from Wholeness for your best and highest good will be elevated by a higher spiritual …
HEALING FOR WORLD PEACEby Chaplain Carmella Herrera, RScP As the new year 2023, begins, we are all being called to be a part of the Global Healing that is held in Prayer for Peace throughout the world. And so, we join together to embrace world peace in prayer that unites the world with an elevated healing vibration generated by our souls. We step into prayer as a servant to the world – with love, power, and …
Healing Through Love
Healing Through Loveby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Here we are, being asked to be fierce and tender in our call to love each other until justice and healing are the same thing. – Mark Nepo I take this precious moment and acknowledge the presence of God – in, around, and through me. This One Life – which is God – contains within it all goodness, light, and love. Everything that is needed to …
The Healing Power of the Universe
The Healing Power of the Universeby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group There is a Divine Presence in, around, and through me, operating as me. As I connect with that Presence, I feel, experience, and accept the power, and claim it for my good, and for the good of all. What a privilege it is to know this, and to know it absolutely! For what I know to be true is that we are all …
Wholeness Revealed
Wholeness Revealedby Alicia HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Healing is not creating perfection — there is a perfect part of us that is whole — so, we don’t heal anything, we reveal that which is already whole. —Ernest Holmes Know with me that there is a power and a presence inherent within each and every one of us. As I connect with this Infinite Presence, I know that Wholeness is at the center and the circumference …
Wondrous Health
Wondrous Healthby Alicia K. Hanlen Practitioner Emeritus Taos Study Group Divine Intelligence within my body temple can heal anything as I allow the condition for healing to manifest. Michael Bernard Beckwith Right here and right now I align myself fully and willingly with the Infinite Divine Presence that is at the core of my being. I breathe in the feeling of this Presence as it expresses through my senses, my surroundings, and the entirety of …