Ernest Holmes - One with God

Behind Everything Material, Stands the Spiritual

Behind Everything Material, Stands the SpiritualDr. Ernest Holmes   The Pearl of Great Price (Matt. 13:45, 46) The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a pearl of great price, for which a man will sell all that he has, that he may possess it. This, perhaps, best explains the way of the illumined. To them, the kingdom of heaven has meant everything, and has been above all else. We find them going away by themselves that …

Liza Kerr, RScP

No Separation

No Separationby Liza Kerr, RScP There is one God. That God is my God.   My God is ubiquitous, spanning across time,  and dimension,  before,  now,  later,  and in all the spaces in between and around. My God is Love, Peace,  Abundance,  Safety,  Security,  Well-Being,  Perfect Health,  Perfect Assimilation. All qualities of God that I need now or ever more,  mine for the asking.  There is no separation between me and God,  for the innermost God …

Embracing our own Perfection

Embracing our own Perfectionby Maria Dion, RScP Embracing our own Perfection. I acknowledge the Spirit of all things that is the Great Fullness of Life.  It is in back of, in, around and through everything that exists. This Great Fullness, this Great Possibility, this Great Presence is Love.  It is Harmony, It is Abundance.  It is Confidence and Clarity.  It is Creation.   This Presence is the Mother-Father, the Creator of Everything. It is this Presence, this …

Basking in the Perfection of the Divine

Basking in the Perfection of the Divine by Robyn Rice-Olmstead, Practitioner Emeritus Taking a moment to bask in the perfection of the divine. Knowing that the “imperfect perfectness” is God. It is Spirit. It is the Peace of a beautiful morning sunrise to the calm of the crashing waves of the ocean. It is present in the chaos and present in the stillness.  I recognize that all is Spirit in action and knowing that I …

Only Life

Only Lifeby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Feeling the gratitude wash over me, I am aware that Spirit is the one thing happening. There is perfection revealed in every activity and action of this Universal Cause. Only God. Only Life. Only Oneness. Only Life – I am that Life. Each one is living that Life as divine expresssions of the One. All Life that is – is present in me, in you, in all. I …

The Heartbeat of Life

The Heartbeat of Lifeby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Love created me like itself.” ~ Lesson 67, A Course in Miracles God is the Heartbeat of Life. It is the Energy Source behind all Creativity; the Answer to every question. Easy and All-knowing, Spirit is Certain. It arrives with Calm Confidence knowing that Love is always being served up. God cocoons His children in Love. It is the highest and best response to every question. It is …

My Life Unfolds Perfectly

My Life Unfolds PerfectlyKathy Mathiason, RScP “Every day and every hour, we are meeting the eternal realities of life, and in such degree as we cooperate with these eternal realities in love, in peace, in wisdom and enjoy – believing and receiving – we are automatically blessed. Our prayer is answered before it is uttered.” Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind I see God all around me. Everything I see, touch, smell or taste I …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

The Paths of Perfection

The Paths of Perfectionby Rev. Kamatara Johnson “Perfect God within me, Perfect life within me, which is God, come forth into expression through me as that which I am: lead me ever in the paths of perfection and cause me to see only the Good.” Ernest Holmes I open up into that vision that is God, the Divine Perfection that is Life. I recognize the Sacred Energy that creates all of Reality, and this is …

Tammi Lambert, RScP

Nothing Can Separate Me from The Love of God

Nothing Can Separate Me from The Love of God by Rev. Tammi Lambert There is One God, One Living Force in the Universe that pervades all that is, ever was, and ever will be. This Universal Cosmic Spirit is all goodness. All is Beautiful Energy, Vitality, Perfect Communion, Love, and Joy.  I breathe in the pure heart-lifting Joy of this truth, knowing that I am connected with this infinite divine presence. I know that the …