Peace, Passion and Possibility

Peace, Passion and Possibilityby Robyn Rice Olmstead, RScP, ALSP, Emerita(818) 300-3911Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council “Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment,” ~Thich Naht Hahn In great gratitude of “the moment,” I celebrate the Peace, the Passion and the Possibility that is God.PEACE, PASSION & POSSIBILITY, are who I am. I am inseparable from the Divine presence. So …

Basking in the Perfection of the Divine

Basking in the Perfection of the Divine by Robyn Rice-Olmstead, Practitioner Emeritus Taking a moment to bask in the perfection of the divine. Knowing that the “imperfect perfectness” is God. It is Spirit. It is the Peace of a beautiful morning sunrise to the calm of the crashing waves of the ocean. It is present in the chaos and present in the stillness.  I recognize that all is Spirit in action and knowing that I …

Surrendering to Possibility

Surrendering to Possibilityby Nancy Bowers, RScP God is trust-worthy. God is total support and can be and is a soothing place of rest. It is Love, It is Caring. He is Love. He is Caring. She is Love. She is Caring. Spirit is the One Great Comforter. The place to snuggle into and feel assured, for It is Perfect Assurance. There is nothing to fear, for nothing real can be threatened. God is Love and …


Epiphanyby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP Did you ever wake up one day and realize you’ve been walking around your life? Walking around the good?the possible?the daring?the adventure?the what might be? Your private dreams and hopes? All because … who knows why? Excuses?, maybe. Inertia? Maybe. Or, maybe, somehow the “I can’t” shouted louder than any other voice inside your head. The “ I can’t” whether born of childhood? Or life? Doesn’t matter. Can you really …