Invitation to a Deeper Reality

Invitation to a Deeper Realityby Nancy Bowers, RScP “Silence is an opening into the deeper reality. Focusing on silence gradually stills the mind. When you attention is freed from compulsive thinking, you are able to touch and eventually unite with the infinite, which has always been there waiting for you in silence.” ~Brian D. Stephens, Into the Formless: A Guide to the Spiritual Journey Pause. Breathe. Melt into the quietude of stillness. In that tranquility, …

Sitting in the Silence

Sitting in the Silenceby Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL My mind is quiet, calm, and deeply still. My body rests in the still silence of the Spirit. I bless my body and my mind, for they are good and worthy of my love. – Ernest Holmes Sitting in the silence, I feel the peace.Sitting in the silence, I know I am surrounded by Love.Sitting in the silence, I open up to my …