The Remembrance of Love

The Remembrance of Loveby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus Let us join with our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, and declare: As our thoughts go back to that Divine man who came to show us the way, the truth, and the life, let us light a candle in memory of him and pray that our light also shall shine, casting a beam of good cheer across the pathway of everyone we meet.  Love is the greatest …

Glimmers of Hope

Glimmers of Hopeby Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL Peace be unto thee, stranger, enter and be not afraid. I have left the gate open and thou art welcome to my home. There is room in my house for all. I have swept the hearth, and lighted the fire. The room is warm and cheerful, and you will find comfort and rest within.- Dr. Ernest Holmes I awaken on this wondrous Christmas morning …

A Season for Reflection

A Season for ReflectionAlicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Center for Spiritual Living Perhaps the angels of God’s presence are evermore around all of us, waiting with their message of hope and cheer to enter our minds, to still our fears, and to sing for us the glorious tidings of good cheer.  – Ernest Holmes Let us all take a moment and breathe in this glorious day that God hath made!  Today we feel the blessings …

Take a Moment This Christmas Season

Take a Moment This Christmas Seasonby Alicia K. Hanlen,Practitioner EmeritusTaos Center for Spiritual Living My Dear Friend, In joy I greet you at this Christmas Season. As our thoughts go back to that Divine man who came to show us the way, the truth, and the life, let us light a candle in memory of him and pray that our light also shall shine, casting a beam of good cheer across the pathway of everyone …

Julia Washington, RScP

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Yearby Julia Washington, RScP This is the time of year to give of one’s self. Letting go of all the old hurts and fears. Embracing the rebirth go to the Christ within, Love, Joy, Peace Enjoy the New Year, be in good cheer. Knowing God is everywhere Present. We are strong in mind and sprint. Let’s be grateful and count our many blessings We are the essence of Joy!! We …

Spirit of Christmas

Spirit of Christmasby Rev. Karen Linsley, M.A., Interim Minister I am reveling in the spirit and power of the Christmas season, feeling the light and the good will towards all. I know that this spirit and this power is everywhere present and working in and through all things, because it is a part of that bigger spirit. And so in this spirit of christmas which is alive and well, I affirm that I am feeling …

The Remembrance of Love

The Remembrance of Love by Alicia K. Hanlen Practitioner Emeritus Taos Study Group Let us join with our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, and declare: As our thoughts go back to that Divine man who came to show us the way, the truth, and the life, let us light a candle in memory of him and pray that our light also shall shine, casting a beam of good cheer across the pathway of everyone we meet.  …

Christmas II

Christmas II Julia Washington, RScP Opening our hearts to the Christ spirit within, we are opening to our Faith, Peace, Love and Joy! These are our Gifts from God. We celebrate each other, we dance with the new born and the angels. We share our gifts of Love, Happiness, playfulness, acts of Kindness. That lets the God Self shine through. It’s the time we more often put others first and turn up the volume of …

A Season for Reflection

A Season for ReflectionAlicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Center for Spiritual Living Perhaps the angels of God’s presence are evermore around all of us, waiting with their message of hope and cheer to enter our minds, to still our fears, and to sing for us the glorious tidings of good cheer.  – Ernest Holmes Let us all take a moment and breathe in this glorious day that God hath made!  Today we feel the blessings …

The Grace of God

The Grace of Godby Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Solstice and Christmas are the high holy days. The light of these days give rise to the awareness of grace itself.  Therefore, I believe there is One Source.  I believe this One Source is the foundation and source of all life.  Through my belief, I allow this Life into all of my affairs at the exact depth of my belief so today I believe. There is …