The Darkest Momentby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP I am grateful for all my gifts Especially, the knowing that within the darkest situation A pearl awaits me. In my own unconsciousness, I have brought the darkest moment upon me, Only now, the precious pearl is mine. The quirk, or unexpected, however, is that in the midst of that Completely overwhelmingly-dark-beyond-anything One-could-ever-imagine is that Once the gift is found in the midst of all that stinking fowl …
In The Light of Divine
In The Light of DivineRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries As I raise my awareness, I recognize the presence of the One Loving Source. The Scared Vibration that expresses in all of life is what I choose to call God. This Divine Essence is out-picturing in infinite ways, in humans and animals, in sunshine and rain, in mountains and trees, Truly, God is all there is. And knowing this connection of Spirit to spirit, …
Choice of Life and Light
Choice of Life and Lightby Christine Duvall, RScP I honor and invokeOne Life, One LightOne Spectrum of All ColorsOne Loving SourceExpressing through everythingSeen and unseen. I honor and InvokePresence and PowerAs UnityAs Choice of the Unseen Help, our Higher SelfAs Choice of the Higher Self of the neighborAs Choice of the Angel of our collective Self. I honor and blessAll who make the ChoiceTo be a conduit of LifeGiving and receivingExtending pure hearts throughWords and …
I Welcome the Light
I Welcome the Lightby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries Even though things seem dark and cold in these winter months, I remember that the days are actually getting longer now. We just passed winter solstice a few days ago, so there is literally more and more light with us each day. The light grows, and so do I. I know that the I AM expresses Its light through me. It lights my way …
The Remembrance of Love
The Remembrance of Loveby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner Emeritus Let us join with our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, and declare: As our thoughts go back to that Divine man who came to show us the way, the truth, and the life, let us light a candle in memory of him and pray that our light also shall shine, casting a beam of good cheer across the pathway of everyone we meet. Love is the greatest …
And So It Is
And So It Isby Christine Duvall, RScP As I begin this day, I turn to the One Life, which I call Creative Love. It is Light Energy in a Connected Field. It is Beauty, Order, and Harmony. It is One Power, Presence & Intelligence to which all have access — an Infinite Possibility for Good. It responds to each as It is recognized and invoked for purposes in alignment with Its Holy Self. I now …
The Spirit of Life and Love
The Spirit of Life and Loveby Katy McCree, RScP In love and trust, I affirm the Spirit of Life and Love is the same life that flows through me, and is me, right now. What a joy it is to know that Source is with me all the time, and that I am one with everything there is. It does not matter the condition and situation, I am always loved and supported to the other …
Grateful for the Light
Grateful for the Lightby Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D., RScP I am grateful for the light.That magnificent luminous light flowSomehow here for me… I welcome you into my heartInto my life,Into my spirit and,Most gratefully,Into my day ahead. Thank you for being with me.Thank you for showing up.And I didn’t even ask you.You just showed up For me. I am so grateful.Thank you. I see — — you showed up because I showed up.Thank you so …
Letting the Light Out
Letting the Light Outby Nancy R Bowers, RScP “Ring the bells that still can ringForget your perfect offeringThere is a crack, a crack in everythingThat’s how the light gets in” ~Leonard Cohen, Anthem “…Once we understand that what happens beyond our control may be just what we need, we see that acceptance of reality can be our way of participating in our own evolution. Serenity comes not only from accepting what we cannot change but …
The Light
The Lightby Robyn Rice Olmstead RScP, ALSP, Emerita(818) 300-3911Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council The light rises and illuminates the peace, the glory, the effervescent presence of the Divine. The tranquility of a sunset, the infinite possibility of the dawn of a new day. No matter what end of the spectrum, the light prevails. The light and love that God is runs in, as, and through it all. I rejoice in the knowing that I …