God in and as Natureby Liza Kerr, RScP Today I am basking in the energy recharge I got from camping/hiking in the Pecos Wilderness at Jack’s Creek. When I close my eyes, I can remember how it felt to breathe in that cool mountain air and fill my lungs with the great oxygenation that I feel when I am in the wilderness. There is nothing quite like it. One of my friends told me that …
We Are Who Is God
We Are Who Is Godby Liza Kerr, RScP The mountains are calling and I must go…John Muir Whenever I venture out into the wilderness and explore, hike, camp, laugh and have fun something extraordinary happens. All of the things I thought I was worried about and stressing over just slip away and suddenly I am living in the moment. Nothing else matters. In no time at all the myriads of things that I had been …
Let Nature Lead the Way
Let Nature Lead the Wayby Yvette Trujillo, RScP It’s the start of a new year with the usual pressures to be your best self and strive to be more than you’ve ever been before. At its heart, it is a wonderful opportunity to step more fully into who you are. Unfortunately, new year’s resolutions often get whittled down into a number on a scale or in your bank account. The turning of the calendar into …
God in and as Nature
God in and as Natureby Liza Kerr, RScP Today I am basking in the energy recharge I got from camping/hiking in the Pecos Wilderness at Jack’s Creek. When I close my eyes, I can remember how it felt to breathe in that cool mountain air and fill my lungs with the great oxygenation that I feel when I am in the wilderness. There is nothing quite like it. One of my friends told me that …
God as Our Source
God as Our Sourceby Liza Kerr, RScP As I am sitting here surrounded by nature breathing in the beautiful spring air and letting it fill my lungs with its warmth, I am reminded that “I am”. Looking out into my beautiful garden and appreciating the abundance of colors, and the different patterns found in nature I am again amazed at the complexity of nature in all its glory. I recognize my connection with everything I …
My Life is Filled with Blessings
My Life is Filled with Blessingsby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group As I focus my breath on my core being, I am filled with the sense of Spirit surrounding and enfolding me in its Infinite Peace and Beauty. I allow that sense of peace to grow and expand, both inward and outward, as the stillness quiets my mind and sharpens my senses. Images of the beauty of my outward surroundings pervade my being, as I see in my …
Natureby Rev. Karen Linsley, M.A., Interim Minister As I sit here contemplating tomorrow’s topic of nature and my relationship with It, I also know that I cannot have a relationship with anyone or anything else that does not reflect my relationship with myself. And so it gives me great comfort to look out at nature and see beauty. It gives me great comfort to look out at nature and feel peace, as if all is …
In Every Little Seed
In Every Little Seed by Kerry Blecha, RScP There is a nurturing power in every tiny little seed that allows it to reach out into the soil. Roots seek water and minerals. Sprouts seek sunlight. Now I look at the giant sunflowers and bright red flowers on the trumpet vine; I breathe the cool morning air and listen to the sparrow song. What powers lie within me? Like the sunrise or a thunderstorm, it is …
Fall Prayer
Fall Prayer by Liza Kerr, RScP Fall is here and the burst of color that defines it is surrounding me. It seems to me that the colors each give off a unique energy. I feel a higher level of energy from the vibrant green than from the yellow, orange, red and brown that are teasing me to come outdoors and breathe in the air. Even the air has a different feel – cooler, and richer. …
Awakened Consciousness
Awakened Consciousnessby Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Center for Spiritual Living “A consciousness of God releases the greatest power of all.” – Dr. Ernest Holmes In the stillness of this moment, I breathe in the all-encompassing knowing that the life which surrounds me is the very essence and presence of God itself. As I glimpse the reminders of this in the flittering hummingbirds, as well as the buzzing bees, both of whom seek the nectar from …