Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP


Surrenderby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP As a child, I always thought surrender was giving upAnd I wasn’t going to be a quitter.  Older, I see surrender as more of loosening my tight gripOn what I want so earnestlyAnd entrusting it n letting it flow to join and merge with the Divine CurrentOf All That Is. And forSomehow to open to something wildly better than my imagining to manifest for me. Yes!! !  So as I …

The Gift of Contrast

The Gift of Contrastby Yvette Trujillo, RScP This morning, I have peace in my heart. I can hear the day waking up. I see the shadows of trees and mountains begin to take shape as the light reveals their details, and there is an amazing cool breeze drifting through my open window, lightly kissing my skin on this rare mild summer morning. What a blessing to listen to the crickets and emerging birdsong, and to …

Smitten by God: Grasping at the Ineffable

Smitten by God: Grasping at the Ineffableby Nancy Bowers, RScP Breathing in the chill of early morning freshness, I pause to appreciate the way nature has the power to connect me. I notice the beauty of it all.  I allow it to stir up creativity.  It arouses something deep within.  It pulses love and appreciate for simply being.  This is the moment.  This is the time.  This is where silence rushes in and in that …

The Watchful Eye of the Divine

The Watchful Eye of the Divineby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Spirit is everywhere present. In the beauty we see around us, in the wonder of the weather, in the day to day simplicity of our lives. I know that my life is the One Life expressing. I am full of beauty, full of wonder and full simplicity. That is the truth of all life. Knowing this I know that the Divine is always present …

Beauty, Light, and Love

Beauty, Light, and Loveby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Beauty, light, and love are everywhere present. This is the perfection of Spirit. This perfection is my life. We are all expressions of the Infinite. There is no way to escape who we.are. Today we live the day that Spirit has laid before us. This is the day that our dreams become manifest. We shine with the brilliance of the sun sharing love and joy everywhere …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

Reverencing the Horrible Beauty that is Life

Reverencing the Horrible Beauty that is LifeRev. Kamatara Johnson Recognizing that there is only One Source, One Heart, One Mind expressing here, I know that every aspect of life is an expression of that One. The good, the bad, the ugly, the indifferent, the magnificent, the lovely, the horrific…all the qualities are part of that expression of the Divine, not just some. And so I take this moment to “learn to reverence the horrible beauty that …

Th Garden Speaks

The Garden Speaks by Chris Duvall, RScP Weeds camouflage themselves in the heart or at the base of plants, where they are fed and watered. Sometimes, weeds are not removed in a timely way because they’re so intertwined (as with the sedum), or mis-judged as an offshoot (as with the daisy). Thus, weeds are allowed to grow up with plants until they’re so apparent or troublesome that action is taken. The eggplant and the pole …

Kerry Blecha, RScP

Divine Creative Source

Divine Creative Source by Kerry Blecha, RScP God, the Divine Creative Source, is revealed in creation. Beauty is a reflection of that Universal Wholeness, which finds harmony in the perfect adjustment of Itself to all of Its parts. Beauty, like greatness, is a thing of the soul, a Spiritual quality, outlined in form, objectified in space. Thus all beings are creative instruments of God. The urge to create is Spirit passing through me and manifesting …

In the Depths of the Cosmos and Right Here

In the Depths of the Cosmos and Right Hereby Katy McCree, RScP Living spirit almighty, its loving presence is felt in the depths of the cosmos and right here, right now. The maker of oceans and valleys and rain and wind. This power is all beauty and balance,  light and love.  And what a joy to know, it lives and breathes through me. It has always loved me and loves me still. In every condition, …

Life Continues

Life Continuesby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Light dawns over the mountains. Cool air begins to warm. Movement increases across the face of the land. Birds take to the air and liquid-dwellers respond to the ever so slight warming of the water. Daytime has come and Life continues its delicate dance in the ebb a flow of all that is. This Life is the Life of all. It is the yearning of Spirit to reveal …