Who Touched Your Life?

Who Touched Your Life?by Robyn Rice Olmstead RScP, ALSP, Emerita(818) 300-3911Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council “Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another.” ~ Yuri Kochiyama In this moment I acknowledge the one power and presence that has been present for every moment of my life and beyond. The Glory & …

Embracing Change by Anchoring in the Changeless

Embracing Change by Anchoring in the Changelessby Nancy R Bowers, RScP God is Changeless. Constant. It is Love. It is Joy. It is a Peace so deep, so all-consuming that no appearances can dislodge its Pervasiveness.  And yet, I seem to be in the ever-changing, enveloped by evolutionary forces that demand adjustments.  At my core, I am as God is, and I return to that Truth again and again, knowing that therein lies my stability. …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP


Surrenderby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP As a child, I always thought surrender was giving upAnd I wasn’t going to be a quitter.  Older, I see surrender as more of loosening my tight gripOn what I want so earnestlyAnd entrusting it n letting it flow to join and merge with the Divine CurrentOf All That Is. And forSomehow to open to something wildly better than my imagining to manifest for me. Yes!! !  So as I …

Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP

The Darkest Moment

The Darkest Momentby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP I am grateful for all my gifts Especially, the knowing that within the darkest situation A pearl awaits me. In my own unconsciousness, I have brought the darkest moment upon me, Only now, the precious pearl is mine. The quirk, or unexpected, however, is that in the midst of that Completely overwhelmingly-dark-beyond-anything One-could-ever-imagine is that Once the gift is found in the midst of all that stinking fowl …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

In The Light of Divine

In The Light of DivineRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries As I raise my awareness, I recognize the presence of the One Loving Source. The Scared Vibration that expresses in all of life is what I choose to call God. This Divine Essence is out-picturing in infinite ways, in humans and animals, in sunshine and rain, in mountains and trees, Truly, God is all there is. And knowing this connection of Spirit to spirit, …

A Recipe for a Day of Self-Love

A Recipe for a Day of Self-Loveby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP At the beginning of each day, as part of your beginning prayer/meditation time, send to yourself love, and grace, welcoming all the blessings available to you this day. Send love and blessings as well to all your anticipated projects, or commitments, along with a parcel of joy, ease, strength, and success. Ask yourself as you go about your day.Who or What am I valuing …

Ernest Holmes - One with God

Attracting Success, Second Part

  Attracting Success, Second Partby Dr. Ernest Holmes Suppose one wishes more activity in his business, more success. Every day he should see his place filled with people. See them looking at and finding pleasure in his merchandise;see them comparing prices and realizing that he is offering good values; see them delighted with the service his is giving; see them cheerful, beaming, expansive, as they enjoy the atmosphere of his place; see the uplift which …

One Creator

One Creatorby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director I am in gratitude that That which has created all things is the creator of my life. The majesty of the mountains, the beauty of a freezing morning, the heat of a dry Southwest afternoon – all reminds me of the infinite creativity of the Creator. The very Creator that has imbued each of us with Its essence, with Its fullness, giving us access to all creation. I celebrate …

Allowing Your Grief

Allowing Your Griefby Alicia Kay Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – Mile Hi It is human to grieve the loss of dear ones. We love them and cannot help missing them, but a true realization of the immortality and continuity of the individual soul, will rob our grief of hopelessness. We shall realize that they are in God’s keeping, and they are safe. We shall know that loving friends have met them, and that their …

Lovater Jones, RScP

Withholding Nothing

Withholding Nothingby Lovater Jones, RScP Speaking directly to the Spirit of God within:  “I surrender ALL to you; everything, I give to you withholding nothing; withholding nothing.” ~William McDowell, Gosper Singer When listening to and singing along with this song, I am transformed.  I sense that I am conversing directly with God/Spirit. Surrender is a very “deep dive,” yet, when I/we let go, into the unknown, “God either gives us wings or put a ledge …