Gentle Mindfulnessby Rev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries I take this moment, in the stillness of the morning, and breathe deeply, feeling the life of me right here and now. I am centered in the One Loving Source, rooted in the Divine, filled with the Spirit even as I breathe in and out. I am in alignment with the I AM. There is no separation. In this space, I affirm for myself a continued …
Breatheby Chris Duvall, RScP If there is stress, anxiety, or concern, one of the most important things to do is to breathe. I was out walking and stopped at a mini-library near the edge of my neighbor’s yard. There I found a little book, Happiness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, who points out that “through mindfulness we can learn to live in the present moment and develop a sense of peace.” To bring attention to the …
Call for Present Mindedness
Call for Present Mindednessby Chaplain Tilia Giron, Ph.D., RScP In that arena where the Allness resides and has Its Indwelling Essence of Ever Abiding Presence, I call forth that All Pervasive Presence of Unbounded Love. As I do, I know that All That Is exists with that Eternal Now. As that Divine Essence exists in that Eternal Now, I simultaneously in the Eternal Now, I call forth Present Mindedness. I call forth a consciousness that …
Gentle Mindfulness
Gentle Mindfulnessby Kamatara Johnson, RScP I take this moment, in the stillness of the morning, and breathe deeply, feeling the life of me right here and now. I am centered in the One Loving Source, rooted in the Divine, filled with the Spirit even as I breathe in and out. I am in alignment with the I AM. There is no separation. In this space, I affirm for myself a continued knowing throughout the day, …
Breatheby Chris Duvall, RScP If there is stress, anxiety, or concern, one of the most important things to do is to breathe. I was out walking and stopped at a mini-library near the edge of my neighbor’s yard. There I found a little book, Happiness, by Thich Nhat Hanh, who points out that “through mindfulness we can learn to live in the present moment and develop a sense of peace.” To bring attention to the …
Gentle Mindfulness
Gentle Mindfulnessby Kamatara Johnson, RScP I take this moment, in the stillness of the morning, and breathe deeply, feeling the life of me right here and now. I am centered in the One Loving Source, rooted in the Divine, filled with the Spirit even as I breathe in and out. I am in alignment with the I AM. There is no separation. In this space, I affirm for myself a continued knowing throughout the day, …
[imaioVideo v=1] What is Affirmative Prayer Or Treatment? Our Global Vision For Centers For Spiritual Living Rio Grande Center for Spiritual Living This Sunday, May 19th, 2013 10 AM Kenneth Winfrey, LMSW “The Magic of the Soul” The soul is perfect, and the places it takes us is perfect, whether or not I recognize it in the moment. My story is about how my near-death experience led me to my “perfect” life. I trust that everything …