Perfect Health and Well-Beingby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP This affirmative prayer is for perfect health and well-being: I recognize that Divine Spirit is the motivating, creative force in the Universe. It is Love, Power, Creativity, Joy, Laughter, Abundance, Peace, Health and Well – Being. It is Everywhere, All – Powerful, Eternal. It is the fount of all Being. I Am one with Divine Spirit. I feel wonderful, I am well, there is nothing missing in my …
We are all One through God’s Eyes
We are all One through God’s Eyesby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Perfect God within me, Perfect Life within me, which is God, come forth into expression through me, as that which I am. Lead me ever into the paths of perfection, and cause me to see only the Good. – Dr. Ernest Holmes Dear Spirit, Father/Mother God, we know that we are all connected as One in your beloved eyes – we are …
A Treatment for Perfectly Balanced Healthby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group Dear Spirit, Mother-Father God, Universal Life Energy, right here and right now I feel your presence intimately, for I know that right where I am, that is where you are. There is no separation, there is no boundary in this Infinite Love in which I live, move, breathe and have my very being. I revel in the knowledge of my connection with all living beings, …
A Treatment for Perfect Health
A Treatment for Perfect Healthby Alicia K. Hanlen, RScPPractitioner EmeritusTaos Center for Spiritual Living And so we come to that place of Center, that place where God’s presence is felt and known and experienced AS the very core of our being. Take a moment and just breathe in the peace, the harmony, and the Love. Feel yourself absorbing the essence of Life in all of its splendor and glory, in its simplicity and purity. I …
To Perfect Health
To Perfect Health by Liza Kerr, RScP What a marvelous thought to bear in mind: that it is done unto us! We need not coerce, we do not create the power, but we must LET this Great Power operate through us. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind pg. 140 To Perfect Health When a practitioner does a spiritual mind treatment they align themselves with the One Mind, that we call God. There is no personal responsibility …
I am in Perfect Health
I am in Perfect Health by Tammi Lambert, RScP God is the God of Good, of perfection, divine order, health, life, vitality and clarity. God is Omnipotent. There is no task or idea too great or too small for God. Inside the mind of God, there is only wholeness. All life that exists comes from God, and it is all blessed, it is all good, it is all joy. All is complete, and all is …
Treatment for Perfect Health
Treatment for Perfect Healthby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is everywhere. God is omnipotent. God is eternal. God is the Light of the world. Where there is Light, there can be no darkness. God’s Light is Health, Vitality, Radiance, Well-being. If there is a need for healing, God’s Light heals. God is Peace, Calm, Self-love. I am One with God. That means that in my life, in my body-mind, I experience the Light of God as …
A Treatment for Perfect Health
A Treatment for Perfect Health by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. God’s essence fills the universe with love, health, healing, warmth, comfort, joy, delight, energy, stamina and light. I am One with God. God expresses in me as perfect health and well-being. My Oneness with God reveals my true nature, that I am already healed and that I am radiant health. I am filled with joy and well-being. There is nothing I …
Treatment for Perfect Health
Treatment for Perfect Health by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. God, Spirit, Universal Intelligence, Universal Consciousness, whatever it is called, it is the Allness of the Universe, It is what all is made of, It is all that is. It is Power, the power of an expanding galaxy. It is Love, the Love that brings all into being. It is Creativity, the Creativity that is the evolution and growth of the Universe. …
A Treatment for Perfectly Balanced Health by Alicia Kay Hanlen Practitioner Emeritus Taos Study Group Dear Spirit, Mother-Father God, Universal Life Energy, right here and right now I feel your presence intimately, for I know that right where I am, that is where you are. There is no separation, there is no boundary in this Infinite Love in which I live, move, breathe and have my very being. I revel in the knowledge of my connection with …