Ernest Holmes - One with God

Attracting Success, Second Part

  Attracting Success, Second Partby Dr. Ernest Holmes Suppose one wishes more activity in his business, more success. Every day he should see his place filled with people. See them looking at and finding pleasure in his merchandise;see them comparing prices and realizing that he is offering good values; see them delighted with the service his is giving; see them cheerful, beaming, expansive, as they enjoy the atmosphere of his place; see the uplift which …

Ernest Holmes - One with God

Attracting Success

Attracting SuccessDr. Ernest Holmes We mean by demonstration, bringing into our experience something which we had not experienced before; bringing it in as the result of conscious thought; and unless it is possible to do this, our whole science is a mistake and a delusion. Unless there is a divine principle, Universal soul or subjectivity, or medium, which, of itself – -without any help or assistance – -can produce things, and will, then there is …

Ernest Holmes - One with God

Attracting Success

Attracting Successby Ernest Holmes “Science of Mind” page 299-300 We mean by demonstration, bringing into our experience something which we had not experienced before; bringing it in as the result of conscious thought; and unless it is possible to do this, our whole science is a mistake and a delusion. Unless there is a divine principle, Universal soul or subjectivity, or medium, which, of itself – -without any help or assistance – -can produce things, …

Today, I am a Success

Today, I am a SuccessKathy Mathiason, RScP “We should expect the best, and so live that the best may become a part of our experience.”Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind There is only Love, one Life, I call God. It is the Divine Intelligence and Sacred Essence in, around, through and as everything. It is forever creating more of Itself out of Itself. I know that I am a part of everything in this Universe. I am …

Today, I am a Success

Today, I am a SuccessKathy Mathiason, RScP “We should expect the best, and so live that the best may become a part of our experience.”Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind There is only Love, one Life, I call God. It is the Divine Intelligence and Sacred Essence in, around, through and as everything. It is forever creating more of Itself out of Itself. I know that I am a part of everything in this Universe. I am …

I Express Success in My Life

I Express Success in My Lifeby Kathy Mathiason, RScP “Successful people think about success.” Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind I know that God is all there is. It is that One Creative Principle which operates through the constant Law. The Creative Principle is success in action. It never wavers. It is unfailing, because it can never fail to respond to my beliefs. I am one with the Creative Principle. God individualizes Itself as me. …

Failure is Not an Option

Failure is Not an Option by Nancy Bowers, RScP God embodies all the goodness of the world. God is Love, Compassion, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Understanding and all good things. And God does everything perfectly. God is always successful in all endeavors, for it could never be otherwise. God is always Complete in everything It does. It knows only Success, only Perfection, only Goodness and Joy; It knows not the illusion of failure. God understands failure is never an option; …

I Grow and Achieve Success

I Grow and Achieve Success by Kathy Mathiason, RScP I know there is only One Mind, One Creative Intelligence, One Divine Spirit that is in through around and animating everything in the Universe. This Intelligence is the Principal back of everything. It is the only reality there is. It is absolute Good, absolute Wholeness and Pure Love. This Loving Divine Spirit, this Creative Intelligence is operating through me and expresses as me now. In this …

Greg Gardner, RScP


Successby Greg Gardner, RScP What I know today is that my vision is for success. Success in all actions. Relationships with family and loved ones.Relationships with neighbors & co-workers.Relationships with my job and my health.Relationships with my Creator. I know there is a win-win in every situation and I commit myself to right action that yields success for all When anyone loses, we all lose, so I commit to finding the win-win today that works …