A MEDITATION ON THE QUIETby Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL I take this precious moment to sit in the silence. As I breathe in, I feel theessence of Spirit, as it surrounds me and engulfs me. I allow the fullness of theexperience as I temporarily suspend my attachment to my body. Any thoughts orconcerns of exterior conditions or presumed obstacles are interrupted, and I givethem no leave to enter this moment. …

Into the Quiet Be still and know . . .

Into to the QuietBe still and know . . .by Alicia K. Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL . . . know that I AM God. Find yourself in that place of silence, and allow the space between your thoughts. Just know that you are enveloped in a cocoon of deep and abiding Love. Love everywhere present. Love in and through you, expressing as You – the truth of who you are. Embrace the …

Sitting in the Silence

Sitting in the Silenceby Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL My mind is quiet, calm, and deeply still. My body rests in the still silence of the Spirit. I bless my body and my mind, for they are good and worthy of my love. – Ernest Holmes Sitting in the silence, I feel the peace.Sitting in the silence, I know I am surrounded by Love.Sitting in the silence, I open up to my …

Kamatara Johnson, RScP

In the Quiet of Winter

In the Quiet of Winterby Kamatara Johnson, RScP In this quiet time of Winter, the barren trees are still flowing with Divine Energy unseen in the roots.  I too am still and quiet, stripped down to my Essential Self in this time of reflection, rooted in the Divine. As I enter into the stillness, I know who and what I am: an expression of the One Loving Source in the here and now.   So, I …

In the Quiet: God

In the Quiet: God by Nancy Bowers, RScP In the quiet, I find Spirit.  There within the stillness, within the eternal calm lies God.  For God is The Eternal, Infinity, without beginning or end; just Beingness.  That Beingness is Peace, Blissful, Undisturbable Peace.  In the quiet, I find It; the place where all answers come: always Love, always Peace, always Joy.  In that Stillness, Goodness flows.  Total Certainty of outcome thrives: Love, Peace, returning Home to …