“Love thy neighbor as thy self.”

“Love thy neighbor as thy self.”by Robyn Rice Olmstead, RScP, ALSP, Emerita(818) 300-3911Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner Council “Love thy neighbor as thy self.” And so the prayer begins. Knowing that amidst the seeming chaos we see in the world or the madness that out-pictures on the news, there is an illusion of many pieces of heartache and discontent. The injustices and in equities of freedom. There is an illusion that there are Many things …

A World of Good

A World of Goodby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director We live in a world of “good.”  A world where the One power back of all things is always opening the space for us to expand and grow. That One power is my essence. The One and I are one, my having access to all that Is! Just as each one is imbued with this same access, So in every situation I know that there is …

My Thoughts Creates My World

My Thought Creates My Worldby Kathy Mathiason, RScP The Creative Mind of God is my mind, now. And I am so grateful that this is so.When I consciously use the Creative Mind of God my thoughts bring forth what I desire and I am blessed. I have the ability to change everything and anything that I so choose in my life. What I can conceive, I receive. So I know right ideas come to me to …

Exclaiming Profound Peace for the World

Exclaiming Profound Peace for the Worldby Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Father Mother God, Loving Source, Creator, Pachamama, Santa Maria, God, Goddess – All names for Peace, Love, and Wisdom. I call now with such a ferocity and passion that the Original Source arrives front and center. It fills my being, this room, and the world with Its essence and, instantly, I am restored; instantly I arrive home to my true self for I am …

Alicia K. Hanlen, RScP Practitioner Emeritus Taos Center for Spiritual

When the World Changed

When the World Changedby Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Center for Spiritual Faith alone can bind us back to the Invisible. Let us learn to practicefaith until all fear disappears, until life becomes a song of joy. – Dr. Ernest Holmes Dear Sweet Spirit, When the world changed, I learned by necessity to stay inside, bothin my outer world, but more importantly, my inner world.And so I prayed, and listened, and was saddened by the pain …

Taking Back the World

Taking Back the Worldby Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister A miscreant is an old-fashioned, juicy word for someone who behaves badly or behaves in a way that breaks the law – a villain, an unscrupulous person. The news is filled with these people and we all know someone who could be called a “miscreant.” The good thing about the miscreant is we can blame him or her for what they did and expand it to …

Rev. Martha Quintana. Senior Minister

Restoring Balance to the World

Restoring Balance to the World by Rev. Martha Quintana, Senior Minister Father Mother God, Loving Source, Creator, Pachamama, Santa Maria, God, Goddess – All names for Peace, Love, and Wisdom – and each a name for the Original Source. I call The Original Source now with a ferocity and passion so loud that It arrives front and center. It fills my being, this room, and the world with Its essence.  Instantly, I am restored; instantly …