Surrendering to Serenityby Carol S. Helms, RScP Thirty-two plus years ago a wise woman thought me a lesson or two about practical sobriety, which opened the door of my mind to sanity, which unveiled the path of serenity. I recently sat outside MD Anderson in Houston, masked and waiting as my 96 year old mom had a cancerous sore on her leg assessed for the best course of treatment. I brought a big bag of …
Treatment for Serenity
Treatment for Serenityby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,And wisdom to know the difference. In these times when the news is disquieting to many, when fearmongering is used and sold as politics and entertainment, it is helpful to remember these words of Reinhold Niebuhr. As those of us who use the science of mind, we know that we can change …
Treatment for Peace and Serenity
Treatment for Peace and Serenityby Marjorie Larragoite, RScP “A realization of our Oneness with Omnipresence brings peace.” Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 617 There is One Presence, One Power, One Spirit, One Mind. All of that One is God, the infinite divine creative Spirit that lives within each one. That one is Love, Light, Wisdom, Health and Wholeness, Truth, Joy, Peace and Serenity, all Good. That Goodness is in, through and around each being. …
Choose to Take Time to Manifest Serenity and Peace for Yourself
Choose to Take Time to Manifest Serenity and Peace for YourselfBy Chaplain Carmella Herrera I invite you, at any given moment, to take time out of your busyness to just be fully present with Spirit. You can simply choose to take in a few cleansing breaths until you can begin to feel a sense of Serenity coming forth from Divine flow. This mind, body experience of choice will allow you to experience Serenity, Peace in …
Surrendering to Serenity
Surrendering to Serenityby Carol S. Helms, RScP Thirty-two plus years ago a wise woman thought me a lesson or two about practical sobriety, which opened the door of my mind to sanity, which unveiled the path of serenity. I recently sat outside MD Anderson in Houston, masked and waiting as my 96 year old mom had a cancerous sore on her leg assessed for the best course of treatment. I brought a big bag of …
Treatment for Serenity
Treatment for Serenity by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. In these times when the news is disquieting to many, when fearmongering is used and sold as politics and entertainment, it is helpful to remember these words of Reinhold Niebuhr. As those of us who use the science of mind, we know that …
Return to Serenity
Return to Serenity by Nancy Bowers, RScP In this moment, where Serenity is, I embrace my awareness of the One Life, that One I call God or Spirit. I recognize that the One Life is Divine Wisdom. It is Infinite Intelligence and it is everywhere present. It whispers through the breeze, rustling the autumn leaves; It is the sweet air beneath each bird’s wing and is the warble of their songs. It is Melody, the …
Treatment for Peace and Serenity
Treatment for Peace and Serenity by Marjorie Larragoite, RScP “A realization of our Oneness with Omnipresence brings peace.” Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 617 There is One Presence, One Power, One Spirit, One Mind. All of that One is God, the infinite divine creative Spirit that lives within each one. That one is Love, Light, Wisdom, Health and Wholeness, Truth, Joy, Peace and Serenity, all Good. That Goodness is in, through and around each …
Peace and Serenity
Peace and Serenity by Liza Kerr, RScP Last weekend as we hiked on a favorite trail in the Sandia mountains’ a friend asked me what to do when you feel separate from God. I looked at him and spread my arms and said you look around you at the magnificent beauty of nature and you breathe it in and live it. “What around us, isn’t God,” I asked? I see God in the beautiful sky …
Treatment for Serenity
Treatment for Serenity by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. In these times when the news is disquieting to many, when fearmongering is used and sold as politics and entertainment, it is helpful to remember these words of Reinhold Niebuhr. As those of us who use the science of mind, we know that …
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