With the New Year

With the New Yearby Chaplain Tilia Giron, RScP, Ph.D. With the New Year, a time to reflect and choose is upon us. We can pause and recognize our blessings, goodness, grace, love and prosperity, whether  physical, financial, relational, emotional or whatever we hold most dear and meaningful. We may be especially grateful for these blessings when in the midst of turmoil. In recognizing our blessings we can create even more of them. We can also …

Carol Helms, RScP

Surrendering to Serenity

Surrendering to Serenityby Carol S. Helms, RScP Thirty-two plus years ago a wise woman thought me a lesson or two about practical sobriety, which opened the door of my mind to sanity, which unveiled the path of serenity.  I recently sat outside MD Anderson in Houston, masked and waiting as my 96 year old mom had a cancerous sore on her leg assessed for the best course of treatment. I brought a big bag of …

Blessings Abound

Blessings Aboundby Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL I affirm that today is filled with blessing for myself and others.- Dr. Ernest Holmes In this sacred moment, I recognize and honor the Infinite Presence, the One Divine Consciousness that flows through all life.  This Presence, vast and eternal, is the very essence of love, peace and wholeness.   It is everywhere, within us and around us, connecting every soul, every heart and every being …

A Prayer for Equanimity

A Prayer for Equanimityby Marilyn O’Leary, RScP Because God is All, because Spirit infuses the Universe with Power, Creativity, Love, Peace, Joy, I know I am one with It, and all who read this are one with It. Being one with Spirit, I am blessed. The Power of Spirit is available to me. Despite the news of the world, I am at peace. I know that, just like me and you, there are millions of …

Carol Helms, RScP

Believing and Living the B’s of Spirituality

Believing and Living the B’s of Spiritualityby Carol S. Helms, RScP “It is unto me as I believe.” How good it is to know that God is always everywhere present; just waiting for us to notice, to pause and contemplate all the blessings that are also always everywhere present. Today, I live, move and have my being in the beauty and business of God; showing up in the world calling forth the beauty and business …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

Prayer for Unfolding Blessings

Prayer for Unfolding Blessingsby Sue Hoadley, former RScP The Power of all creation is here right now in this very present moment. As I rest my awareness in my heart, I sense this Power, this Presence, this Allness that brought me into being. This Presence is Love, vitality, beauty, infinite intelligence, perfect design, and all Good. It is my source, my comfort, my guidance, my guardian and protector. It is my Love and all that …

Abundant Blessings

Abundant BlessingsAlicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL An attitude of gratitude is most salutary and bespeaks the realization that we are now in heaven. – Dr. Ernest Holmes I breathe in and feel the bounty of God as the air in my lungs.  Gratitude fills my being as I realize that this very breath connects me with my Source.  My heart expands as I sense the Love that is all-encompassing.  The abundance of …

My Life is Filled with Blessings

My Life is Filled with Blessingsby Alicia Kay HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group As I focus my breath on my core being, I am filled with the sense of Spirit surrounding and enfolding me in its Infinite Peace and Beauty. I allow that sense of peace to grow and expand, both inward and outward, as the stillness quiets my mind and sharpens my senses. Images of the beauty of my outward surroundings pervade my being, as I see in my …

The Wonder of Spirit

The Wonder of Spiritby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director Recognizing the wonder of Spirit I am in awe of the blessing that we are. Each of us living and breathing the Life of Spirit. That one all inclusive, ever present,  all powerful energy that is all things. I am a unique expression of that same energy. Each of us being a space for the One Life to be present even in our smallness of …

Carol Helms, RScP

Believing and Living the B’s of Spirituality

Believing and Living the B’s of Spiritualityby Carol S. Helms, RScP “It is unto me as I believe.” How good it is to know that God is always everywhere present; just waiting for us to notice, to pause and contemplate all the blessings that are also always everywhere present. Today, I live, move and have my being in the beauty and business of God; showing up in the world calling forth the beauty and business …