A Treatment for Health

A Treatment for Healthby Marilyn O’Leary, Practitioner Emeritus God is all there is. God is Love, Joy, Health, Creativity, Light, Comfort. God is radiant health and well-being. God is the body that works in perfection. I know that is true for me. I know that is true for every person where appearance is to the contrary. Health is here now. When I call upon Spirit, it is here. It is always here for us. Some …

Rev. Kamatara Johnson

I Step Out in Faith in Myself and the One Loving Source

I Step Out in Faith in Myself and the One Loving SourceRev. Kamatara Johnson, Director of Collaborative Ministries In this moment, I recognize the Presence of the One Loving Source, the All-that-Is, what I choose to call God. I know that this Divine Vibration is the essence of all life in this universe and beyond, for truly God is all there is. This Divine Nature is expressing infinitely in every place, every time, and every …

We Are One

We Are Oneby Maria Dion, RScP There is one Power, one Presence in existence and I call It God. God is Peace, Strength, Harmony and Joy. It is the Loving presence that creates and nurtures everything into existence and the most perfect evolution imaginable. I Unify with God in this and every moment. I am filled with peace, harmony and joy. Infinite Intelligence guides me in every action, every idea. God’s Strength is my strength; …

We Are Who Is God

We Are Who Is Godby Liza Kerr, RScP The mountains are calling and I must go…John Muir Whenever I venture out into the wilderness and explore, hike, camp, laugh and have fun something extraordinary happens. All of the things I thought I was worried about and stressing over just slip away and suddenly I am living in the moment. Nothing else matters. In no time at all the myriads of things that I had been …

Liza Kerr, RScP

Gratitude for Abundance

Gratitude for AbundanceLiza Kerr, RScP This has been an extraordinary year for snowfall and rain in our desert oasis of New Mexico. Today I give gratitude for the abundance of white purifying snow that is covering the ground glistening in the morning sun. I know that this snow will replenish the water supply when it sinks into the earth and help to sustain the cycle of life. I know that the snow that I see …

Tammi Lambert, RScP

My Life is a Sacred Harmony

My Life is a Sacred HarmonyRev. Tammi Lambert, Director of Intuitive Leadership There is One Source of Life, and it is Divine Intelligence, Light, Power, Harmony and Wisdom. This Life Force manifests in many divine forms, and is called by many sacred names. I honor all aspects of the Divine, knowing that I am created from this same Life Force, and that I am One with God, and One with All; Knowing that I, too, …

Sue Hoadley, RScP

A Prayer of Thanksgiving

A Prayer of Thanksgivingby Sue Hoadley, (Former) RScP Awareness arises and I am excited about meeting this new, sunshine day! The touch of the sheets on my skin, my breath, relaxed, in and out. What mystery of love is my beings Creator of a world so beautiful, so orderly, so harmonious, so Intelligent. Divine presence, as close to me as my breath. The breath of God breathes me and I bask in the miracle of …

Nancy Bowers RScP

A Charmed Life

A Charmed Lifeby Nancy Bowers, RScP The days are glorious – a statement to the generosity of God. I pause and take in the sweetness. I stop and admire God’s handiwork. Then I pray, for it returns my heart to what matters. I pray, affirming truth to bring myself back to the arms of the Divine. There is but One Life, I call this Essence God, the Father. Here in the care of Mother Earth, …

Nancy Bowers, RScP

God the Glorious Physician

God the Glorious Physicianby Nancy Bowers, RScP “I am, as I have told you, the dear and glorious physician. I can restore health to mangled relations. I can cure the woes of discouragement, the pains of loss. Allow me to reach you. Permit me to guide and counsel you. Acting through me, you act with wisdom and prudence. Acting through me, your good intentions are understood. I will give you words to say, actions to …

A Treatment for Health

A Treatment for Health by Marilyn O’Leary, RScP God is all there is. God is Love, Joy, Health, Creativity, Light, Comfort. God is radiant health and well-being. God is the body that works in perfection. I know that is true for me. I know that is true for every person where appearance is to the contrary. Health is here now. When I call upon Spirit, it is here. It is always here for us. Some …