Today I Walk in Gratitudeby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Today I walk in gratitude, knowing that my life is because the one Spirit chooses to express Itself as each one of us. I can only be One with this life-giving Love that is everywhere present. Being one with the life force of the Universe, I am one with all things, even as every other expression of the Most High is contained in this Oneness. …
Gratitude for the One Life
Gratitude for the One Lifeby Rev. Gil William Olmstead, Spiritual Director I am in gratitude as I sit in the knowledge that there is only One Life. That Life is flowing in, as, and through all things. I am one with that Life. There is only that Life so we are all One. Knowing this to be true, I declare right now that all is in divine order! There is only love. There is only …
Gratitude to Our President
Gratitude to Our Presidentby Alicia Hanlen, Practitioner EmeritusTaos Study Group – RGCSL “The All-Knowing Mind of God contains the answer to every problem which confronts this country. – Dr. Ernest Holmes I take a moment to feel grounded and centered in the Divine Life – which is the One Life in which we move and live and have our very being. I feel this connection to the Oneness with profound gratitude and joy, knowing that …
An Ode to Gratitude
An Ode to Gratitudeby Alicia K. HanlenPractitioner EmeritusTaos Center for Spiritual Living Infinite Divine Life, great and wondrous Spirit within, I speak from that place of interior wisdom and understanding as I gaze upon this glorious day. I truly marvel at the mere idea of my participation in this experience of life, acknowledging that my union with my higher Self is both precious and unconditional. Just reflecting on that thought for a moment, nothing I …
Only Life
Only Lifeby Rev. Gil Olmstead, Spiritual Director Feeling the gratitude wash over me, I am aware that Spirit is the one thing happening. There is perfection revealed in every activity and action of this Universal Cause. Only God. Only Life. Only Oneness. Only Life – I am that Life. Each one is living that Life as divine expresssions of the One. All Life that is – is present in me, in you, in all. I …